Okay, hubby has a Providian, two Orchard m/c's, car loan through credit union and mervyns. He got an offer to apply for DMB w/ no annual fee and a limit up to $10k. Part of me wants him to go ahead and apply and part of me thinks he's fine where he is. By doing some research, I've seen a lot of complaints about this company in 99 and 2000 mostly. Anybody that has this card now, are you satisfied with customer service? Are your payments applied on time? Are unauthorized charges ever added to your account from one of their subsidiaries for credit insurance etc?? They don't have a great reputation it seems, but every now and then I read a positive post on them. Do they report to the CRA? Are they strictly sub-prime? Thanks in advance. I know they'll pull Equifax for him if he does apply and I wouldn't even try until I get his disputes in to our local affiliate. (Don't even know if that will work, they get back to me in about a week!!) Advice Please?? PS. We're 5 mos post discharge - ch 7.
I am very happy with my card. I have been a customer for several years. It was a starter card and I would not part with it now. They give increases and I have a 9.9% rate. I have never had any problems with their customer service department. I started out with an annual fee and a 100.00 limit I called after having the card a while and the fee was wavied and the credit line now @ 1400.00 Hope this helps.
They have been fair with my other half, she started out at $1,000 and 19.9% 30 months ago. They removed a late charge and penalty apr increase following the Feb. accident. Currently at $3,300 and 15.9% apr all new purchases for next 6 months 6.9%. Their customer service is slowly improving.
DMB has been wonderful to me, as wonderful as a CC can be, I guess. The only annoyance was their telemarketers, but since I've opted out of their marketing & put a promotional block with all the CRAs, I don't get that anymore. 5/99 they offered & I applied for an unsecured MC for up to 4K CL. I got the entire 4K, w/ 50% available via Cash advances. It carried a 22% APR for purchase & 27% APR for cash. Since then they've regularly increased my CL & it's now 11700 @ 9.74 Purchase APR & 12.74 Cash advance APR. For the past several months I've used their free online bill paying system, and my payment is always posted the same day, as long as I do it before 4PM CST. However, if you are ever late or bounce a check, for the next year, it will take an extra 15 days for them to fully restore your available credit after you make a payment. Customer svc has always been very pleasant, and their customer retention dept has been equally pleasant when I've requested an APR reduction. If you keep your account in good standing and are polite, they won't bs you about the APR reduction. The only time I've been "stern" with them is when I got a telemarketing call for the umpteenth time after I opted out. I asked to speak to a spvsr & said, "Listen I've been w/ your company x # of years, I've always been very courteous to your telemarketers & not abused my account. I've asked you very nicely to take me off your list. I know you have a job to do, but the least you can do is respect my request to stop these calls. Otherwise, I'll take my business elsewhere." The calls stopped. I could probably currently qualify for a much more "prestigious" card, I'll stay w/ them out of loyalty. Like somebody in this thread said, they were good to me when no one else would give me a chance. Rina -- Conquering through Christ... and Creditnet