Direct Merchants Bank

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, Feb 16, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    My husband just added me as an AU on his DMB card with a $9,900 limit. I was excited because I was expecting that they would report the card on my credit report as well. Today in the mail, we received a form for my name, hubby's signature, etc. and across the top it said:

    "I understand the method of reporting the credit history of this account will not change and I hereby auhorize issuance of the following card(s) on my Direct Merchants Bank Mastercard account."

    The only reason I wanted him to add me was so it would help my score. Anyway...I called DMB to ask if this meant they would not report on my report as an AU and they said it would NOT be reported for an AU. At that point I had my husband request to add me as a secondary cardholder. They said they would send a form for us to fill out. They also said they would pull a credit report for me. Now that being it possible they will turn me down as secondary based on my credit report? If they do, could it affect my husband's account as it currently stands (ie lowering his limit, increasing his apr, etc.)?

    I don't see the logic of allowing someone to be an AU, but not letting them be secondary on an already open account. What is the difference other than a secondary gives them an additional person to make responsible for any debt.

  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Being a joint cardholder (which you are trying to do, right?) Requires both parties to meet the credit scoring system they have.

    If your score sucks, don't expect to be added, plain and simple.

    Seems stupid huh?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    A stupid question...WHY $9,900???

    Why can't they just get that last $100???
  4. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    An AU isn't legally responsible for the debt.

    If your husband has (or can get) a Chase CC, become an AU on the Chase CC. I was an AU on my husband's Chase CC before we got married; it's one of my positive tradelines although we've since closed the account.

    If you want to try for DMB anyway, call their Credit Operations Dept between 9-5 PST and ask about their requirements.

    It shouldn't be difficult to obtain one on your own, however. I didn't use (& probably couldn't get) a credit card since 97; but almost 3 years ago DMB was the first no BS offer I got; 4K CL is now @ 11.7K.
  5. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    That is what is so odd about this card! He applied for a couple of cards and has been turned down the few times he has bothered to try since he filed bk in 98. He had perfect credit prior to and since (the divorced got all the bills but nothing else scenario).

    The only other card he had was a Cap One card that started out at a $250 limit which was just recently increased to $1K. He almost fell over when DMB approved him and for that amount. He had just (okay...*I* had on his behalf) applied for the FNB and First Premier cards and received them. He wasn't happy at the fees and the toy card limits when the DMB card arrived about the same

    At any rate, when we pulled his EQ score, lo and behold it was 669!!!!! I no longer have a bk on my CR and have paid everything on time for the past several years and my EQ score is around 560 or 558 or something like that.

    My TU just dropped from 608 to 575 in the past 10 days and EX is somewhere in the mid to upper 500 range as well. I was declined a Target Guest Card.

    I just don't get it...all of my derogatory entries (5 without JCP) are ready to fall off within the next 6to 15 months and yet his score is a LOT higher than mine and even still...he can't seem to get approved for anything prime other than this DMB card! It doesn't make sense! We thought the limit was a typo!

    Anyway...yet again I ramble...but what is the criteria for DMB? Should I wait to apply until I pay down my current balances and they report?

    Thanks for all of your insights.


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