Before heading off to the Caribbean ;-) I wrote that I successfully converted my DMB Mastercard into an unsecured gold mc. Also, a DMB rep said that I should get my deposit + interest (ooo boy, 1.99%) back "shortly." Well "shortly" is about 2 weeks because the check arrived Saturday. I also noted that activating the new card killed off the old account but they didn't nail me for two annual fees since I'm at the anniversary of the old account. Terms on the new account are better than the old: 10.9% APR, $20 annual fee which (alond with my new Amex card) is proof that my increasing scores are paying off.
Call DMB and ask them to remove the annual fee from your card. Once the card is unsecured you can request to have the annual fee permanently removed. I had a secured DMB card and they unsecured and I called them and they gladly removed the annual fee permanently.
really? cool! I did notice that the CS number for this new card is different than the other number. Also, I've noticed that I no longer get the 3-4 calls a week from them trying to peddle some kind of "value-added" service. I'll do that today! Thanks