Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Matt, Feb 24, 2001.

  1. Matt

    Matt Active Member

    I HAVE PATIENTLY waited for 5 parking tickets to fall of my credit report. Tickets from 1993,1994,1995, i have only 12 months to go and today i get a letter from the City saying they will get a judgement if i dont pay now. So this will stay on another seven years??? So this is a total of 14 years. Is this legal? HELP !!!!
  2. mba

    mba Well-Known Member

    What City?
  3. Matt

    Matt Active Member

    san diego
  4. me

    me Well-Known Member

    why not just pay the tickets?
  5. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    RE: pay them!!!

    I don't know about your state, but in georgia, failure to pay a ticket = suspended license, and a warrant issued on you.
  6. arteagle

    arteagle Guest

    i know how it feels.

    I had several unpaid san diego tickets from 1991. I spoke to a lawyer--he said their are statue limitations and procedure imposed on the city. However, to prevent wage garnishment the cost of lawyer and court fees would be more than the money owed on the tickets. The city eventually garnered my wages in 1998. Even though now paid, the negative mark still remains on my file. I'm still choosing between jack shroud, lexington, and junum to clean my file.
  7. mt

    mt Guest

    RE: i know how it feels.

    And San Diego parking tickets are expensive!!

    On vacation and 15 minutes late to a meter = $25 in the gas lamp quarter.

    Where are the old $2 parking tickets from my college???
  8. Matt

    Matt Active Member

    RE: i know how it feels.

    you are 100% right. City fines and tickets are NOT CREDIT. Credit is when you are loaned something.Either money or merchandise.
    My credit report has been trashed for the the last 7 years because of the city of san diego. My 5 parking tickets started of at $300. Because i was a broke student i had no money i didnt pay. Now they have added interest,and fees, so i owe them $1024.00
  9. arteagle

    arteagle Guest

    RE: i know how it feels.

    This is the city reporting the tickets. What do you mean by challenging the line on your credit report? Does this mean tell the bureau's i've never had a credit line with them?

    Like matt, i didn't have money at the time--the amount seemed so much at the time. I jsut goofed off........then had my wages garnered.....at least they worked to get the my money.

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