Discover Approved!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Geo, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, would like to let u know that Finally after several years applying for Discover and being denied. I find out today i was approved for a Discover Plat with a 10 K limit and 0% until April 2006.

    I applied in the mail sending back one of those pre-approved application i get all the time. i also request on the app to transfer 5.5 K to another card and it was already done.

    I have heard bad things of Discover but that deal of 0% for like 15 moths is pretty good. I really do not remember how the go to rate is but i think is below 9.9%.
  2. australia

    australia Active Member

    If you don't mind, what is your fico score, and do you know who Discover pulled?
  3. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    I did not get any call or verification process. just mailed out the application and i saw the new card on my reports today and also knew they already paid out the bal transfer i requested.
  4. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    they pulled Equifax.. I am in FL. I have pretty good scores around 730 PGuard. dont know about real fico score.
  5. australia

    australia Active Member


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