Discover Card Judgement

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by newcomer44, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. newcomer44

    newcomer44 New Member

    Hi ev1. I'm new here and find myself asking for help on the best way to handle a judgement that I will face tomm morn with Discover Card in court.

    Does anyone have any suggestions or advice to getting thru this experience. Better yet, any advice how to "WIN" at this.

    I've never gone thru anything like this before and don't look forward to it. At this time I only have a house (my mother left me before her death in 2007) and a 2005 mini-van (paid in full) and really nothing else of value.

    I read up on the "exemption laws" in my state but really am worried how this can help me since I don't have no more than $200 in my checking, a tenent at mom's house who since moving in Feb 2010 (and all the money I had and still owe in fixing it up to rent) has been constantly late with the $1200 a month rent I charge. I'm unemployed. All my bills are behind! Taxes and other essential bills from just mom's house alone have really taken it's toll on me. What can I do? Other than show them all these bills how can I come out ahead on this? I'm going to church for usual bible study but will check for answers later on tonite.

    Any and all suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    What exactly are you being sued for? How big is this debt you owe Discover? It's hard to give good advice without knowing more details about the situation. Is this a debt you rightfully owe? Were you severed properly?

    You may have already gone to court this morning, so I doubt we can help much now, but I'd still be interested in hearing more about your situation. Hope things went well for you in court.

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