
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by divadivyne, Dec 3, 2004.

  1. divadivyne

    divadivyne New Member

    Okay here's my problem:

    In July 2004, Discover was awarded a judgment against for the sum of $3,986. The account was a joint account with my sister. I made payment arrangements with the attorney who represented Discover. I have been making payments on the suit.

    I just received a credit alert (I subscribe to the credit monitoring updates with TU) and saw where Discover has just reported my account delinquent to the tune of $1,145. I just pulled my credit report and saw where they had charged off the account for the amount they sued me for and now this!

    I'm at my wit's end with these people. They are screwing up my already fragile credit report and the part that's pissing me off is that I didn't even use the card (my sister did) and I was making regular payments on the account until I was laid off.

    I'm at a totally loss as to what to do. Has anybody had this happen to them before? What was your course of action? If not, then who could I speak to about this situation?
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Never co-sign. Never have joint accounts.
    (I know, its too late for that.)
  3. ankay1

    ankay1 Member

    1) Is the Discover account still active?

    2) Was the judgement amount equal to the entire account balance.

    3) Is your credit card that the $1,145 delinquency was reported a joint card?

    4) Close your joint cards with your sister if she is making charges that you can't or don't want to pay.
  4. divadivyne

    divadivyne New Member

    1) Is the Discover account still active?

    The account has been closed since 1998. I had been making payments on it since then up until I lost my job last year.

    2) Was the judgement amount equal to the entire account balance.

    The judgment amount awarded was $4600 including the supposed late fees and attorney fees.

    3) Is your credit card that the $1,145 delinquency was reported a joint card?

    I don't know. I haven't checked my credit report to find out yet.

    4) Close your joint cards with your sister if she is making charges that you can't or don't want to pay.

    This has already been taken care of back in 1998.

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