
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kelly1, Oct 2, 2004.

  1. kelly1

    kelly1 Member

    I'm going to a disposition on Fri 10-01-2004
    I sued on of the CB for refusal to investigate a collection account for more than three times, i sued that collection agency before and they settle with me out of court for 2000.00
    and the CB still have the listing on my credit report
    the CB sent me interrogatories and request for productions
    i sent them and i object to a lot of questions since they are irrelevant
    on Friday we are going to a disposition
    Is that mean that they don't want to settle or what are they trying to accomplish
    and what should i do in that disposition
    Thank you in advance
  2. rocket1977

    rocket1977 Well-Known Member

    The attorneys are doing what it is called "posturing." It may be that they do not know what they want to do with your case. Interrogatories and Request for production of Documents are discovery devices. Maybe they are trying to wait you out, but its also possible they are just trying to figure out what evidence you have, and whether they should settle.

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