Is it better to dispute with CRA a paid closed account with past-due negative information with the hopes of getting the account removed or just leave it alone? And if the account stays on your credit report, does the entire account fall off after 7 years or just the negative information?
How old is the account, and how old are the negatives? The age of the account could conceivably be helping you more than the negatives are hurting you.
Sounds strange, but it could be true. I had a bunch of old late-pay accounts deleted long ago, and now am hurting on some reports due to a "lack of credit history". If they're older than 2 or 3 years ago, they might not be worth the time and trouble of messing with. Working on getting some more recent positives might do you more good.
I would say if the late pays are only a couple 30's just dispute the actual late pays anything over that dispute the entire tradeline as not mine.
a clean report...with NO negatives reporting, is ideal... while having an old negative account will help your score, assuming you don't have other accounts as old, it will not help you during a manual review of your report, which many creditors will do... not only that, your score will rebound much quicker with the negative account gone....rather than it being there.... so, my suggestion would be to dispute the account....chances are with it being so old, they will not be able to verify.....
if you're saying the negative information is late payments, then yes, only the late payments will be removed....