Dispute all mistakes?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kate04, Apr 29, 2005.

  1. kate04

    kate04 Member

    I got all 3 reports, and a few old accounts from 1998 to 2000 still show as open. I'm obviously going to dispute those, but will that raise/lower my credit score at all?

    Now, a bigger question:

    I filed for bankruptcy in 2002, and a few accounts do show as closed, but the payment status shows 90 days late, collections, etc. The balance is zero, should I request the payment status be changed to "Included in Bankruptcy"? All 3 reports show the correct date of the discharge, so they can verify that easily. I don't even know if that status changes anything, but it's just not accurate.

    Also, do I need to write one letter for each incorrect item? I'd rather not send three letters to Experian if I can send one letter disputing 3 items.

    Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!! :)

  2. bsutton21

    bsutton21 Well-Known Member

    Never give the cra's more info then they already have. Deny deny deny. The burden of proof is on them. Try to get it off because that is going to benefit your score more than it just reading inc in bk. Then when you get all the neg items off you can go after the bk itself.
  3. kate04

    kate04 Member

    While that makes sense, why would they take it off? Each was reported for one to two years, then included in the BK. How would I dispute it, I'd think the creditor would reply to that (do they not if it's 5-7 years old)?

    If I *did* dispute it (which would be interesting) and the creditor replies, can I then dispute the "sent to collections" to read "included in BK"?

    Thanks for the help, I'm new to this and I'm reading alot here, anything is appreciated!

  4. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    Your ultimate goal is to get the tradelines either deleted or showing paid as agreed so you can eventually dispute the bankruptcy off. My BK is 6 years old and it has been off for a couple years now. Most of my TL/CA i got deleted just by disputing as "not mine". The ones that wouldn't delete show as paid as agreed now.
  5. d-angelo

    d-angelo Active Member

    Do we need to send a separate letter for each dispute, and for each OC. I have some disputes with the same OC, different acct #/tradelines etc.


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