When a consumer disputes an account on their credit report, who decides when to remove the statement regarding the listing being disputed by consumer? I ask because I disputed an account listed by Asset Acceptance, I believe that Equifax listed it as disputed by consumer but it no longer contains this information. I have an ongoing complaint being addressed by the BBB and the MI and FL AG. The CRAs concluded a first investigation but my dispute has not concluded from my perspective.
Did you dispute with Asset also? FDCPA wording requires that if you notified the debt collector it was disputed, then they must notify anyone they inform of the debt that it is disputed. That would include the CRA. http://www.ftc.gov/os/statutes/fdcpa/fdcpact.htm#807 "§ 807. False or misleading representations [15 USC 1692e] A debt collector may not use any false, deceptive, or misleading representation or means in connection with the collection of any debt. Without limiting the general application of the foregoing, the following conduct is a violation of this section: ... (8) Communicating or threatening to communicate to any person credit information which is known or which should be known to be false, including the failure to communicate that a disputed debt is disputed. ..."