Dispute deletions question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by britain817, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. britain817

    britain817 Member

    I have disputed some items on my credit reports recently that were apparently there due to identity theft. It's weird to me that some CRA will just remove them, while others will not. My question is:

    If one CRA deletes a record from your report, are they required to notify the other CRAs about it? If not, would it help if I notified the other CRA's that has been deleted with another one and ask them to follow suit?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    No they will not notify each other of a deletion. You must dispute the tradeline on the others to get them removed as ID THEFT. Make sure you put a fraud alert on your CR.
  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Were you able to determine the items of your identity that were used fraudulently?

    Did you receive any information from the data furnishers (the OCs or CAs) on these accounts to document the id theft?

    Did you file a police report for id theft, to assist in killing these accounts (preventing collection, sale, or reporting) should another CA come after you later?
  4. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    The CRAs are not legally required to report to the other CRAs, however, the furnishers of information (creditors) are by law required to notify all the CRAs if they find inaccurate or incomplete information reported on that account. Under the new FCRA facets regarding identity theft, I beleive the furnishers are required to contact all the CRAs with one form letter.
  5. britain817

    britain817 Member


    Yes, I had fraud alerts placed on my reports. And, most of the agencies were helpful in getting me information about what happened. I am still trying to figure out what I am supposed to do vs. what the agencies will do, so I appreciate your help.
  6. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Did you file a police report for id theft?
  7. britain817

    britain817 Member

    no, i didn't do a police report, i actually did a notarized affidavit with copies of proof.
  8. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    File a police report and get a copy, too, while you have your records supporting that it is id theft.

    Although you may have gotten this removed at this point, bad accounts have a way of popping up again later, possibly thru a different CA, and you want records to ensure that you can get quick removal and suppression of the fraudulent information. Since FACTA refers to providing a copy of a police report and a fraud affidavit in the section that requires compliance by CRAs and CAs in correcting and removing all fraudulent information due to id theft, be prepared to provide both.
  9. britain817

    britain817 Member

    Wow, good advice. Thanks.
    ONe thing I am worried about is these fraud alerts. I am glad they are there to protect me from further id theft, but I am worried that they will prevent me from getting loans in the future. Any insight here?

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