Dispute personal information?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LAT, Jan 6, 2002.

  1. LAT

    LAT Well-Known Member

    I read posts about disputing previous address, name variations, etc.
    Has anyone disputed a Driver's license number? I am not sure how they got it, but it's on there. I don't want any information on my report than neccessary since it's only there for creditors anyways.
    I just don't want to seem frivilous disputing everything- so that they throw it out. I didn't know if they would call the state (experian and I both reside in TX) to get the correct number or if they will easily delete this. Thanks
    I read a post about skip-tracing and if the c/a or creditor knows two info's about you (no ss#, but like employer, previous address, D/L#, spouse, etc.) they can access your credit and get all of your information. AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! That can't be legal?
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    LOL, they put mine on there too, but mine is the same as SSN, so big deal. I think I will go tell DMV I want a different number. ;)

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Well, George for years it was, and my insurance license was too. When I signed an insurance application, I had to put my license number on it. I figured what theheck, it's already all over the place, why bother?

    It was only 2 years ago that Virginia gave another option. I think I will change it now. until a few months ago it did not appear on my credit report. They are probably selling it, LOL.
  5. LAT

    LAT Well-Known Member

    When we lived in Oklahoma our SS#'s were used as DL number. I wonder if I can ask for a different number from the dmv? What do I tell them, my license is up for renewal later this year anyways. I lost it? The number has brought me bad luck? haha
    When I play driver license poker, I don't have a good hand? lol
    I guess I need to research this........
  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    just tell them the truth. to protect yourself from identity fraud, you would like another number other than ss#. by law, they will provide you with another number.
  7. LAT

    LAT Well-Known Member

    I live in TX (now) and they use a DMV number not SS#. Any clues on how to apply for a different number? I found a email address on the website and said something like, " having problems with someone w/ similiar number thus they are pulling my report. to save time/hassle can i apply for new number? I guess I'll post if/ and when I get a response.

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