I read posts about disputing previous address, name variations, etc. Has anyone disputed a Driver's license number? I am not sure how they got it, but it's on there. I don't want any information on my report than neccessary since it's only there for creditors anyways. I just don't want to seem frivilous disputing everything- so that they throw it out. I didn't know if they would call the state (experian and I both reside in TX) to get the correct number or if they will easily delete this. Thanks I read a post about skip-tracing and if the c/a or creditor knows two info's about you (no ss#, but like employer, previous address, D/L#, spouse, etc.) they can access your credit and get all of your information. AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! That can't be legal?
LOL, they put mine on there too, but mine is the same as SSN, so big deal. I think I will go tell DMV I want a different number.
Well, George for years it was, and my insurance license was too. When I signed an insurance application, I had to put my license number on it. I figured what theheck, it's already all over the place, why bother? It was only 2 years ago that Virginia gave another option. I think I will change it now. until a few months ago it did not appear on my credit report. They are probably selling it, LOL.
When we lived in Oklahoma our SS#'s were used as DL number. I wonder if I can ask for a different number from the dmv? What do I tell them, my license is up for renewal later this year anyways. I lost it? The number has brought me bad luck? haha When I play driver license poker, I don't have a good hand? lol I guess I need to research this........
just tell them the truth. to protect yourself from identity fraud, you would like another number other than ss#. by law, they will provide you with another number.
I live in TX (now) and they use a DMV number not SS#. Any clues on how to apply for a different number? I found a email address on the website and said something like, " having problems with someone w/ similiar number thus they are pulling my report. to save time/hassle can i apply for new number? I guess I'll post if/ and when I get a response.