dispute results confusing

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Stephanie, Jun 6, 2002.

  1. Stephanie

    Stephanie Member

    I disputed 2 items for late payments. The first one the military CC and it
    seemed they didn't change anything on that. The second a loan which was the
    last activity on in 11/99. It had 6x 30d late, 5x 60 late, 2x 90d late. What
    they changed is now 11x 30d late, 5x 60d late, 2x 90d late. I don't know
    what I did wrong!! Are they suposed to make it worse?? The score didn't
    drop though.

    This was from EQ

    Today I got the results from EX. The same on the CC but on the loan it changed to positive item and never paid late. What should I do? Contact the OC?? How does it happen, that they have different results? Did EX not verify and just changed it?
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Did you dispute as not mine or as never late on the credit card..... is the cc paid or do you still have it or was it charged off. you can ask the cra for "procedures" used to verify the account and see how they respond. This should give you good contact info for the cc.or possible violations on the cra.

    if the one account was changed to a positve , well that was probably good.
  3. Stephanie

    Stephanie Member

    We still have the CC and I know the OC verified that, cause it's a military card. I sent out the goodwill letter today and see what happens.

    With the loan, yes it got changed to positive but only on EX and on EQ they made it worse, but both say they verified. I don't understand...
  4. donna8284

    donna8284 Well-Known Member

    I would leave the loan account alone on EX and hope it stays that way. As for EQ I would start out by sending out a request for the procedures they used to verify. And hope the goodwill letter works!!
  5. Stephanie

    Stephanie Member

    I called EQ today and asked how they verified and they told me "With the adress shown on your letter with the results" I don't think a P.O. Box verified that!! DUH!

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