dispute small questions

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lrncret, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. lrncret

    lrncret New Member

    Before I send off a TL dispute to the 3 CRAs I just want
    to cross my Ts.
    1) Is there best dispute addresses for mailing the
    three CRAs a CMRR letter?
    2) I am using PG for my CR. Is it ok to send a copy
    of my PG CR with my dispute for reference?
    3) Do I need to sign my dispute?
    4) What ID is necessary to go with the dispute?
  2. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    I've always done my disputes online. If you send them by mail you need the file or report number from each CRA. In other words, the PG report might not have the info they need.

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