Dispute Start Dates

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cmbrady, Jan 3, 2002.

  1. cmbrady

    cmbrady Active Member

    When does a dispute start-the day stamped on the green card or the day they put it into their system? The date stamped on my card is 12/17/01 but Equifax has it as recieved on 12/24/01 when I checked the status of my investigation online. So is it date stamped or date entered?

  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    It's supposed to start from the date stamped on the green card. That's the actual date the CRA received your dispute. Here's an excerpt from the FCRA section 611
    ".....the agency shall reinvestigate free of charge and record the current status of the disputed information, or delete the item from the file in accordance with paragraph (5), before the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date on which the agency receives the notice of the dispute from the consumer."

    So.. if the green card says 12/17/01, that is the TRUE date they received notice from you of the dispute, but hey, CRA's are crooks. I initiated a dispute online on 12-3-01, and experian claims they didn't get it until 12-8-01. Guess they forgot to verifiy or simply can't, and just want to buy themselves more time.
  3. Coco

    Coco Well-Known Member

    Experian seems to be getting away with murder. I am seeing more and more threads on the discrepancy of when they claim to receive/result ending dates.

    Here is my example: My husband did an online dispute on his report. According to their online system, the results are due 1/6/02 (I printed the page out). We received a full report and dispute status in response to his verification procedure letter and the dispute status states the results are due 1/13/02. I think they are just asking for lawsuits based on FCRA violations.

    The CRA's are in business reporting information on consumer credit files. By being in this business they are legally obligated to follow the FCRA yet time and time again they do not. These morons should be put out of business.
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Be careful making statements like this.
    You could be labeled a fanatic and may subject yourself to being ridiculed


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