Dispute TU Inquiries = Fraud Alert?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by NiceGuy, Apr 29, 2002.

  1. NiceGuy

    NiceGuy Well-Known Member

    This is insane!!!

    Providian pulled three hard inquires on my TU last year when I applied. Since I only applied once, I called Providian Exec Office to dispute the extras (after TU refused to dispute inquiries).

    Exec Office finally agreed to contact TU to have the two extra inquiries removed. All good, right? Think again!!

    Today I received a letter from TU indicating that Providian had contacted them to have inquiries removed that Providian feels are related to fraud and that my name and SS number were used to file fraudulent apps at Providian. It goes on to say that this Fraud Alert will be placed on my file for a period of one year. I then call TU and they state that my report is being handled by the fraud department and they will transfer me. When I get a rep there, they say that they are sorry but nothing can be done to remove the alert, I have no recourse except to wait for it to expire!!! WTF??? How can they do this??? What can I do????


    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    Three inquires for ONE application is NOT accurate...

    Tell TRANS UNION that they will have to pay $1,000 in court if they do not remove the FRAUD ALERT along with the 2 extra inquires...

    100% COMPLETE & 100% ACCURATE!!!
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Wrong.... You can send a letter to TransUnion enclosing a copy of your drivers license and a copy of a utility bill (I blacked out my drivers license number) and request that the fraud alert be removed.

    Besides...it was my understanding the only the consumer could place a fraud alert...not a creditor. Sheesh!

  4. NiceGuy

    NiceGuy Well-Known Member


    TU did delete the two extra inquiries, but added the fraud alert. From the wording of the letter, it is clear that Providian directed them to do so.

    I will call TU again in the morning...


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    AS STATED BEFORE..."CONSUMER STATEMENTS" are to be asked for by the CONSUMER!!!
  6. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    My Experiences with Providian justify putting a fraud alert on their report!

    I just stay away from them. Once something goes bad with them everything goes downhill.

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