Someone mentioned they had disputed an account as expired or obsolete when the dol was within six months of expiring and got a deletion. I did a search but can't find the post. If you dispute as obsolete within six months, is there a good chance of deletion? How did you word that portion of it? Thanks! Laura
I has stated 2 different things. 1) On judgments, in Arizona they are valid for 5 years unless renewed. If they are not renewed, they are then listed as expired. I disputed them as expired/obsolete - please delete. And they were deleted. 2) Derogs, other than bk's, are on your report for 7 years. If you have 6 months or less to go before they automatically fall off, you have a chance to have them deleted by disputing them as they will be off soon anyway. I'm not sure which cra, but one of them usually deletes derogs a couple of months prior to 7 years.
Thanks, LKH. I have one on EQ that is just at the six month point. I just started going around with them again on reinvestigating different accounts, so I will hold off until that is over before trying it. That way there will be four to five months left and maybe a better chance. L
As a follow up to this - If you dispute paid collections as expired to the CRA, does the CA have to provide proof of the date it was first posted? Would validation come into play at any point of this? For instance, Asking for validation of the date it was supposedly first put into non pay status from the CA and if the CA cannot provide that, then apply for expired status to the CRA stating that the CA could not provide proof of when the account was first designated nonpay? Anyone attempted this successfully?
I think you are confused. We are talking about judgments. If you dispute a paid collection as expired, the cra will most likely not even verify. As far as I know,the only thing that can be expired with a paid collection is the 7 year reporting period.