Good Afternoon! About a month and a half ago I disputed my accounts on all 3 of my reports online and still nothing has been resolved, how long does this generally take for them to report back or remove items? I am afraid that if these are not removed then I may as well pay them, since they are staying on my report anyways. Maybe thats not the way to go about this. Also, I just about 2 months ago received a judgement against me for what I thought was a GM card that I had, it came to me through household bank, and a law firm was handling it. Now about 2 weeks ago I received something in the mail from another law firm/CA for that GM card. I can't be sure that the judgement against me was for the GM card, the law firm couldn't confirm, they said it was from Household bank, but I certainly don't want to pay for this card twice! This is all such a pain that I got myself into! Thanks in advance for any advice!
"I can't be sure that the judgement against me was for the GM card, the law firm couldn't confirm, they said it was from Household bank, but I certainly don't want to pay for this card twice! " Then request validation from each, in writing, CRRR. The law firm collecting on the judgement should send you a copy of that judgement. In fact, if they were attempting to collect on the judgement, they should have sent you a letter saying they would send you a copy of the judgement if you requested it. Did they serve you before they got a judgement? Did you respond, or did they get a default judgement?
Thanks for the info! This is all still a bit confusing to me, so sorry in advance! I found out about this judgement when I got in the mail from the county clerks office the big envelope full of information about this and the court date/time. I called the company immediately and tried to do a settlement, but they offered me like $65 less than the total ammount, and I couldn't pull $900 out of the air within the week and a half they gave me, so I just set up a payment plan of $160/month which should be completed in November. I didn't show up at the court date because we had the payment plan set up, I did not want my wages garnished at all, which is why I did the payment plan. Was that the wrong thing to do?
You may have set up a payment plan, but they probably got a judgement anyway, by default. So, you thought you agreed to pay off a debt that you thought was on a GM card, you are in fact paying on something, and some other CA wants to collect on what you think is the same debt? How do you know if the judgement you are paying on is even on a debt that was actually yours? It is possible that either debt is or is not your debt, and they may even be the same debt. The second CA may even be collecting on the judgement for the first CA/law firm, or they may have obtained the same debt and be attempting to collect on it again, even though you have a judgement requiring you to pay the first CA. Request validation in writing from both CA/law firms, CRRR. The one you are paying should be able to send you a copy of the judgement, which should include some documentation on who the original creditor was, and what the original account number was. Or you should be able to get a copy from the court. You never assume you know what debt a debt collector is collecting on, you request validation of all alleged debts, and you respond to all lawsuits. Otherwise, you can pay the same debt, or someone else's debt, over and over again.
Thanks again for the info! I am going to start today by writing up some validation letters while I am at work. Can you point me in the direction of some good letters that will work? I saw them over in another forum, but there are so many of them, I am not sure which one will work with what I need. Also this is a stupid question, but when I do these letters, and if they should not be trying to collect this debt, they should remove it from my report, but does that mean say it is reporting to 2 buerus that they will remove it from both? Reason I ask that is in the mail yesterday I got a dispute report from Experian and one of the items was deleted, but it was only deleted from Experian, now looking online from my credit report, TU & EQ still show that? I guess the way I am going to go about this, is on the online reports I get thru I will go through the list of address I have and match it up with the items on my report and send it that way? I sure hope this does some sort of trick! Just one more question, since Wisconsin's SOL is 6 years, I go into detail of the items on my report, when does the SOL start? From the time it was opened or last used? B/C some of them say OPENED 2/2001 and reported 6/2006, uhm, I haven't used any of those cards on my report since 2002, so I sure hope it goes from 2002 and not from whatever 6/2006 information they have. Thanks again!
Looking again through the sample letters, this one appears to work best for me, right?