Hi All! Long time reader, first time poster. I think I understand the disputing process and validatation process....I think I do. My wife had a Verizon bill that went to collection because she forgot the forward her mail to her next residence when she moved. When they finally tracked her down, several months later, the bill was immediately paid. On her credit report, the collection shows paid. I really want to get this removed. We are trying to by and house and it's dragging down her credit rating. I submitted for new copies of our credit reports to get the clean up process started. I was able get TU online. I disputed the collection on TU's website in hopes to see it drop off her credit report. I didn't think I should send a validation to the CA because the bill was already paid. Is this the correct thing to do?
I would try disputing it with the cra's first. Who knows, it may come off with no problem. If it gets verified by the ca, then I would send them the validation and make them prove they have info to back it up. If they can't prove it, then send copies of your letters to them along with the certified mail receipts to the cra's and ask them to delete on the basis of the ca not being able to validate.
Do you have service now with Verizon? If so, and there are other companies you COULD switch to, call Verizon tell them of the error and that it was paid immediately after you found out and see if they will do a "goodwill adjustment", if they give you a hard time saying they WON'T (not can't) tell them you can always take your business elsewhere. I'm not sure it will work if it's being reported by the CA and NOT Verizon, but it's worth a shot.
Thank you for the advice. I'll to the validation if the dispute comes back without any results. In the library is states that you should wait 90 days between dispute to a particular CRA. Do you really need to wait that long? I seems that may people on this message board send in multiple disputes at a time and might send in another right after receiving no positive results. I do have service with Verizon, but I don't know if I would have the leverage because the CA reported it to the CRA. It wouldn't hurt to try, but I think Verizon is the only local telco service provider in my area. In fact the current bill is in my name and the collection was in my wife name before we got married. I update with status of the dispute. Thanks!!!! Rythman On the move to the 700 club!!!
do not wait 90 days between disputes. As soon as you get your results, fire off another dispute letter.
I haven't drafted a dispute letter before. Do you have a format that you would suggest? Of course, I want to look professional to the CRA when submitting a letter. I previously submitted to TU, via the on-line page. There isn't much to do when using the on-line method. rythman