I am in the process of cleaning up my credit reports and have been very successful, thanks to all the advice I acquired on this site. I filed a Chapter 7 bankrupcty eight years ago, which was discharged. All accounts included in the banckruptcy have fallen off my credit reports except for one. Therefore, I disputed it as "not mine." I received a letter today from the creditor regarding contesting "liability for the account" asking me to sign a form. First, the account number contained within the letter is not even close to the account I'm disputing. Second, did I dispute this incorrectly? This should have fallen off my credit reports by now. My next step is attempting to remove the actual Chapter 7 from my credit reports, however, if I dispute this tradeline any other way then my bankruptcy will be confirmed as well. I have no idea what to do next.
*************** GET THE BASICS HERE. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ***************** 1*>I received a letter today from the creditor regarding contesting "liability for the account" asking me to sign a form. 2*did I dispute this incorrectly? 3*This should have fallen off my credit reports by now. 4*My next step is attempting to remove the actual Chapter 7 from my credit reports, 5*I have no idea what to do next. defense ****************** 2*Don't sign it 2*No 3*It should have vanished at least a year ago. 4*Get any address associated with the BK removed from your reports first if you can. 5*Try disputing With the CRAs as obsolete please remove, Note don't give anybody copies of your BK papers. Welcome to CN
Hmm.. that's a form I've never heard mentioned here. My opinion is that if it's an account number you've never had liability for, then what's the harm in signing the form and sending it back -- as they'll likely take it from there. I mean, what can it hurt?
I wouldn't sign a damn thing, there can be a ton of harm if he has no idea what he is signing for. Hell he could re-age the tradeline and then be liable for it. Don't sign a thing ever!
I'm not signing anything. The account number on the letter is not even close to the account that I'm disputing. I guess if it remains I will dispute it as obselte information as someone suggested, however, will that effect the chances of getting the bk removed?
1. Dipute tradeline with the CRA's as obsolete and remove. 2. HAve any address associated with the BK removed of your CBR. 3. Dipute BK with all CRA's. Move on and enjoy the rest of your life.