Disputing Closed Account HELP!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by exotic, Nov 25, 2002.

  1. exotic

    exotic Well-Known Member

    I need some advise on a secured credit card account showing up on my credit report, the account was a secured card, my dad was the original account holder, I was an Authorized User, but he was sick and was making late payments and now it reflects on my credit report, he send to close the account in 2000, the credit report show's "Closed at Consumer's Request" the problems is it only show's up on my Trans Union Report and not on Equifax or Experian, if I dispute this account with Trans Union as not mine and tell them it's my dads, when Trans Union Verifies it with the bank can the bank come and Place it on my Equifax and Experian Report as well????? Also when I send my dispute to Trans Union should me and my dad make an Affidavid say me stating that it's not mine and him stating that it's his account???? reason is his car loan also show's on my report and other defaulted accounts, so Affidavid go with the dispute?
  2. exotic

    exotic Well-Known Member

    anyone? =(
  3. exotic

    exotic Well-Known Member

  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Do a search here for that subject. It has come up before.
  5. exotic

    exotic Well-Known Member

    help =(
  6. exotic

    exotic Well-Known Member

    Anyone care to comment?
  7. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I would dispute it "not mine". Since it is an AU account, it shouldn't be too hard to get off.

  8. exotic

    exotic Well-Known Member

    Ok Cool...it's a Closed account with lates, you think they will get mad and place it on my other credit reports equifax and experian?

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