Disputing different items while investigation is ongoing

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PerfectAA, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. PerfectAA

    PerfectAA Active Member

    Just a quick question;

    Circumstances: I have sent the dispute letters to CRAs early last month. TU responded with the notorious frivolous dispute letter. EX has converted one neg into pos but hasn't sent the letter (Checked via TrueCredit.com). EQ left a new statement that I am disputing under FCRA blahblah.. Neither EX,EQ sent a new report, let alone TU which basically turned it away.

    Fact or Fiction? : I heard/read that if I dispute again while the investigation isn't through, it will just reset their 30-day timer and thus elongate the investigation period increasing their chances to verify. (Is this true at all?)

    Question: What will happen if I send another letter "NOW" before their correspondency *with a newly ordered report number* to dispute inquiries,personal info, etc which are "not covered" in my previous dispute letter?? How about requesting an online investigation rather than a letter just to fool them?
    Would they treat this as a completely new dispute such that there are two different sets of investigations going on?

    Any comment will be appreciated.

    PS. I am particularly interested in deleting EQ inquiries (online) in a matter of days using Collectman's methodology while my investigation isn't over (initiated by a letter).

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