Disputing discharged car loan?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Orion, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. Orion

    Orion New Member

    Back when we were going to file for bankruptcy, the lawyer told us we had to list everything we owed.

    I had a car loan that was current and only had 1 payment left. I listed it as the lawyer said.

    This was back in October of 2001. I then made the last payment and received a letter from the finance company saying congrats and everything's paid in full.

    My Bk was discharged in January of '02.

    I only realized later (and confirmed with my credit reports) that this car loan is now showing up as 'discharged in bankruptcy'.

    Should I dispute this? I do have a letter from them saying it was paid in full. Does it even matter since its from 2 years ago and pre-BK?

  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

  3. Orion

    Orion New Member

    So should I want to get that account to show as Paid or should I want to get it removed? It only shows up in one of my credit reports. I'd hate to think that a car loan I paid for 5 years isn't going to help me.

    Should I send a letter to the lender or the credit agency?

    [I can't believe I waited so long to reply to this!]
  4. tonyd

    tonyd Well-Known Member

    send a letter to the lender stating that the loan should be reported as "paid in full" or "paid satifactorily" or whaterver wording they use to show it POSITIVE with no history of NEGATIVITY. it's to u'r benefit to get it so it's right.

    don't dispute it with the CRA, as my experience shows those boneheads DELETE all the wrong things, as it happened to me!

    also ask for it in writing to keep on file in the event u need it. be sure to send them a COPY of the paid in full letter they sent you.

    keep us posted, and good luck!

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