Disputing Inquiries???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Missig, Oct 7, 2004.

  1. Missig

    Missig Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone, it has been quite a while since I have been here. Still disputing things, but credit repair has taken a back burner to my schooling. (which I will be done in May, finally will be an RN:O)

    Anyway, I got credit happy there for awhile and have quite a few inquiries. Has anyone had any luck disputing them, just curious if it is possible.


  2. iambroke

    iambroke Well-Known Member

    I just did this about 3 weeks ago with my Equifax report (there were about 8 inquiries I needed deleted on there). TU and Experian had like maybe 3 inquiries total so I didn't worry about them. I just wrote Equifax a letter and listed the inquiries and dates and said I didn't authorize these inquiries so remove them. They deleted every single one and I just received a letter stating they were all deleted. So best bet is to mail them a letter requesting they delete them and see what happens. I have had good results with Equifax but TU refers you to the creditor that pulled the report to delete them. Experien I haven't disputed inquiries thru so I can't say if they will delete them.
  3. CAwatchdog

    CAwatchdog Well-Known Member

    Missig, welcome back and congrats on the RN thing..I dated a nurse for awhile and she told me about a cool program where she can go and work in other states for short term assignments. Kinda cool to go and see another state--she works at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

    On the inquiries, I have heard that EQ is really easy, no prob....TU generally does not "investigate" inqs though they have alleged to me that they are required to verify the PP if I so much ask what it was. LOL, remind them of the Fin Coll Agency Section 611 investigation.

    For Experian, notice that they are disclosing "requests" for your CR and not necessarily "procurements." I have not thought about this too much from a dispute perspective, but maybe you can think of some angle.
  4. Missig

    Missig Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies. I may have tried the wrong way. I first sent my letters to the copanies that requested the inquiries. I'm wondering if I should have first sent the letters to the credit reporting agencies first. We'll see what happens.

    For the traveling nurse thing, it is pretty cool. You can see lots of different places, and call the shots of when you want to work and where. The pay here in California is pretty darn good too.

    Thanks again!

  5. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    "Call the shots" ???

    hee hee..... get it? nurse , shots? Man it's getting late, I should be in bed......
  6. CAwatchdog

    CAwatchdog Well-Known Member

    good one, shawn, lmao

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