Disputing inquiry on Equifax.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lmckenzie, Sep 13, 2001.

  1. lmckenzie

    lmckenzie Well-Known Member

    Hi -

    I am trying to dispute inquires on Equifax's website. How can I do that ?

    "Waking up from a credit nightmare"
  2. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Mail, e-mail, web, phone or fax: they won't take a dispute regarding inquiries. Then how do you remove them?

    By attaching a lawsuit to your dispute. That's currently the only sure way to avoid the useless "Glenn King" form letters.

  3. lmckenzie

    lmckenzie Well-Known Member

    UNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNREAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Saar, I got that dreaded Glenn King form letter. So can you tell me more about how to dispute the inquiries by attaching a lawsuit?
  5. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Refusal to investigate a legitimate consumer dispute is a willful violation of your rights under FCRA.

    There are many skeptics here. They'd tell you that filing a FTC online complaint is useless. I disagree. All FTC suits and actions resulted from consumer complaints. When the FTC decides to do something about it, our rights would be better protected if they have all our complaints on file.

    1. Experian has already changed its policy to allow disputing inquiries.
    2. TU's policy has officially remained unchanged, but unofficially we've had here evidence that occasionally they do accept phone disputes of inquiries.
    3. Equifax is the only one that hasn't given up. Unlike TU, they don't remove inquiries EVEN WHEN FRAUD IS REPORTED.

    For that, they should be punished. If you want to sue them, you have our blessing, BUT -

    Don't forget to file an online complaint against them:


    From the pull-down menus, select "credit reports" as the subject of your complaint.

  6. Jeff

    Jeff Guest


    I definitely agree with your opinion about filing complaints with the FTC.

    To paraphrase Equifax's position as explained to me regarding their reporting of inquiries:

    We report the FACT your report was pulled. If the pulling of your report was not "permissible" this does not change the fact your report was pulled.

    According to Equifax it seems they are not responsible for determining if there was a "permissible purpose". Maybe they should be held more accountable in this area.
  7. Saar

    Saar Banned

    I'm glad you weren't fooled by their misleading rhetoric.

    They do a whole lot more than reporting the FACT it was pulled. They also report whether there was a "permissible purpose" or not, by CLASSIFYING each inquiry as either soft or hard, the latter being very damaging to your credit score.

    Moreover, let's say an identity thief applied in your name. Why are you allowed to dispute the tradeline that was created by the imposter, but not the inquiry leading to that tradeline. They'd say, because the former is not yours; Well, neither is the latter.

    - If it's not yours, it doesn't belong there.

    - If it is yours, but is coded incorrectly in a way damaging to your credit, it doesn't belong there.

  8. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    Exactly Saar!! Well put.

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