Disputing items in BK

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by topazmoon, Mar 10, 2002.

  1. topazmoon

    topazmoon Well-Known Member

    If you were going to dispute items in a bankruptcy, would you send the letter to the creditor or the CRA? Also...if the CRA demands to see my discharge papers, am I required to send them a copy?
  2. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Dispute with CRA as "not mine". No, you are not required to send them anything. if they ask, do what I did - tell them it's not your job to help them verify.
  3. Kelly

    Kelly Well-Known Member

    I've been asked to send my bk papers from TU.
    I ignored it, they sent me updated report with the same info.

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