Disputing Old Addresses

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jwrcredit, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. jwrcredit

    jwrcredit Member

    Anyone have a sample letter for disputing Old Addresses that I could use as a jumping off point? Should I just use one of the letters already listed on here?


  2. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    if you don't do it on line, then:

    1) get a copy of your credit report from the CRA
    2) find the address(es) that you dispute
    3) send them a letter saying that address (CRA # followed by the address) is incorrect because you have never lived at that address.
    4) send your letter
    5) and then don't expect much to happen
  3. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    Nothing will happen. Tried it myself. CRA responses: Addresses are "historical data" as reported by "Public Information", and creditors' information. Hell, they still have my address on there from where I lived 22 years ago, and since 1985 all the subsequent addresses. And I live where I live now for 5 years.

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