Disputing Online w/ CRAs

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ih8debt, Jun 25, 2004.

  1. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Does anyone recommend this method?

  2. drumik

    drumik Member

    I used to do this...(It worked for me in the beggining of the jorney)
    But now I'm doing everything over the phone or in writing
  3. SWFlaMom

    SWFlaMom Member

    Is it ok to do that re: personal info? I want to start w/DV ASAP.
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

  5. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    I filed a dispute online with TU. TU comes back and says the debt was verified. However, they didn't send me any information (proof) to support this debt. The only thing I got was a letter saying "we verified this debt to be yours with the reporting CA" BullShyt!
    THEN...THEN...I get a letter from this CA out in bumFCalifornia with the amount for collection twice as much as the amount on my CR.
    Yikes...do I follow up with the debt validation letter that says:

    What are the terms of assignment for this account? You may attach a facsimile of any records relating to such terms.

    Have any insurance claims been made by any creditor or assignee regarding this account? YES/NO

    Has the purported balanced of this account been used in any tax deduction claim? YES/NO

    Please list the particular products or services sold by the collector to the debtor and the dollar amount of each:

    Upon failure or refusal of collector to validate this collection action, collector agrees to waive all claims against the debtor named herein and pay debtor for all costs and attorney fees involved in defending this collection action.

    Thanks, in advance for your help!
  6. BKinNE

    BKinNE Active Member

    Hmmmm.....I like this idea!

  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Just mail the CA the vl and be done with it.
  8. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Thanks lbrown59 -

    I finally got all three investigation reports back from the CRA's.
    EX and EQ said it's valid...but with NO proof to me..they say they "verified" with the CA.

    TU just came in after a "reinvestigation" and deleted it.

    I'm sending the debt val letter #1 via certified letter today to the CA - but I just noticed it's a P.O. box number.

    Here's my question - if I can't find a physical address for this CA, what can I do to prove that I sent the letter on this date??

    Any suggestions??

  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Disputing Online w/ CRAs

    1*No problem send it there.

    2*You don't prove when you sent it-you prove when they got it.That's why you send it CRRR so that you get the green card back that shows when they received it.

    3*SEE 1 & 2
  10. ranton

    ranton New Member

    Re: Re: Disputing Online w/ CRAs

    You know I think it gives them the right to blow you off right off the bat I have tried it gotten worse results with on-line.
    will go back to crrr they seem to think you serious that way it's a shame
  11. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Disputing Online w/ CRAs

    CA's are so funny! I called the main number that EQ put on my CR. This is how the conversation went:

    CA: "American Collections, where may I direct your call"
    Me: "Nowhere, I need your physical address"
    CA: "Your account number?"
    Me: "I don't have an account"
    CA: "You HAVE to have an account"
    Me: "I don't"
    CA: "Well, who do you owe?"
    Me: "I don't owe anyone"

    Then I hear "click" she hung UP on me!

    OMG, if I did that at MY job, I'd get fired!!!

    Then I finally talked to someone with some common sense..
    I didn't realize that you can send a CRRR to a P.O. - (I read on here that someone said you can't, or the PO said you can't)
    I was thinking that it was like FedEx - they won't deliver to a PO box.

    **Another piece of good advice from this board...put the serial number from the CRRR form on the letter..**

  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Disputing Online w/ CRAs

    Nither will UPS
  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    << I didn't realize that you can send a CRRR to a P.O. -
    1* (I read on here that someone said you can't, or the PO said you can't)
    =========================== >>>>>>>>

    1*Not correct
  14. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    lb - I don't remeber where I read that..some discussion along the way!
    Anyhoots - I finally got to the post office today - and got my lesson on sending CMR-RR :)

    so for those of you who don't know which forms to send (fill out) PS form 3800 is for CM-R(eciept) and you also need the green card RR, PS form 3811( I grabbed a handful - just incase - lol)

    It was pretty inexpensive, only $4.42 (& that includes the .37 for postage)

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