If I have an ivestigation going, Is it ok to start another Dispute? ( with the same CA?)Or should I wait for one currently being investigated, to be finished?
ph, Are you talking about validation with a CA - collection agency? If its validation, lbrown is right about them not being able to use frivilous. But you wouldn't want to send the same CA another validation letter. You would wait the 30 days for them to respond or not, and then follow up with the estoppel. or Are you talking about a dispute with the CRAs - the 3 Morons? If it's the dispute, Love is right. They could deem your second dispute frivilous. Although I don't think I've ever read a case here that was deemed frivilous.
I beleive this means for the same account.How Ever if there are more accounts you can send A val.Letter for each account all at the same time.
I have disputes with all 3 CA now...my question was ...can i start different disputes ( different tradelines) with them now or should i wait till i get the results of the disputes i have now? lol I hope that makes snse....ex...if i had a online investigation going ...could i start another investigation for a differnt dispute..or do you just do one at a time? Thank
ph, You have disputes in to Equifax, Experian and Trans Union, they are CRAs. CA - Collection Agency, is another animal. Thats where the confusion was coming from. What Love said applies. Do one investigation at a time. lbrown assumed you were talking about a collection agency.
I'm sorry to confuse everyone I only have disputes with CRA's.....( experian, exifax and TU) Thanks for all the great help. Once again, sorry for the confusion Me