Hmmmm.... Doc, is it morally right to be picking on the McDonalds counter help? and before anyone goes berserk, I'M JUST KIDDING!
Probably true. We're all spawled at all over the country that I think an actual creditnet conference would be inconvenient for someone several hours (days) away. But, to meet everyone would be nice. Dani
LMAOROTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am 9 months pregnant and this just about put me into labor!!!! DOC!!!!!!!! U are HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!
doc u r a complete riot, this parody is in tune with the girl asking our fellow creditnetter to do her a favor and fill out an app for credit at the jewelry counter......too funny....I love this board...hehe...even more funny some didnt seem to catch that and took u literally lol....well if im wrong i extend appologies in advance....hehe Peace & Love Today I was in one of the malls and chanced to browse for a wedding band in one of the jewelry stores (I swear they're more numerous in the malls than 7-Elevens are on the street corners!!) Well, I didn't see anything that struck my fancy, but I graciously accepted the saleslady's business card. Then she says sugary-sweetly, "why don't you do me a favor and apply for our store card." The most unappreciative look must have come over my face, because she looked back at me so puzzled. "Do YOU a favor????" I asked, incredulously. And before my southern upbringing could kick in and "hush my mouth", I heard myself say something like... "So I'm supposed to take a 5 point hit just for the inquiry you'd make, then another 10-20 point hit for 6 months if I accepted your store card JUST SO I CAN DO YOU A FAVOR? Lady, explain to me when you and I got to be bossom buddies?" Turned on my heels and out into the mall I went without so much as a "Bob's your Uncle". Just think, a year ago, I might just have been stupid enough not to realize how damaging it is to casually do that "do me a favor store card" thing. ...and I owe it all to you guys! Hope ____________________________________ In God we trust... All others pay cash
LOL, informed, well so long as everybody understands that satire isn't the same thing as an attack... After reflecting upon Hope's posting for a day or two, I began thinking what it would be like to adopt that approach in other areas of my life. How about telemarketers, for instance? "You're asking me for a moment of my time? We only have a limited amount of time to live, for God's sake, and you're asking me for a moment of my time?" Anyway, in case anyone interpreted this bizarre posting to be a major slam on Hope, please know that didn't reflect my intention at all. This posting was just a nice example of the "association train" leaving the station without looking back. I suppose you don't have to wonder anymore how I became interested in psychology. Doc