Do it yourself.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by hth316, Oct 27, 2001.

  1. hth316

    hth316 Member

    I can't believe all those months I lost, way back since Late April of this year, when I temporary stopped disputing myself and went w/ Junum.

    Took them 3 mo. to get in one round, and the 1 item that they did get rid of, it remained on the other 2 bureau..

    I thought I had hit a dead end when the CBs starting giving the automated verified; which prompted me to use Junum.

    Well, turns out, I should have the guts to go directly to the CAs reporting the tradeline.. I guess before I knew I had to negotiate a settlement, but only now in a situation where I can settle if needed.

    W/ lizardking's validation letter, 2 of the 3 CAs folded. I got their letters to remove their tradeline from my report. (One, I had to send a follow up letter, but need not be: turned out the tradeline was passed on which threw me off, because when I fired a letter to one bank, I got a response from another, this time, they put the previous bank that held the note.)

    The 3rd, I only got a return receipt. So we'll see how far this CA is willing to go. This is for a paid copay bill that I didn't get while I was in California. Basically I requested proof that they sent me notification of debt to my address at that particular time frame. (Truly, I never received any bill as I did dental work before I moved and assumed insurance covered it all, okay, in the back of my mind I kinda knew there might be some sort of copay, but I didn't followed up on it, dang, couldn't hide)

    Y'all think (I knew it isn't enough grounds for removal, but what have I got to lose) this might work?

    So, that means I'm down to just that negative on my tradeline! Woo-Hoo! :))))

    Also, this wknd, got my ratio down from 92% to 51% this wknd. Still owe ~$8k on credit cards, wo will focus on getting that to 0$ in 3-4 mos.

    I wonder how these two factors, 2 neg tradelines deleted & 39% utilization drop would affect my score. Currently in mid 600s.

    Can't wait to get updated reports and buy score, & also can't wait to join the 700 club.

  2. doodyhead

    doodyhead Well-Known Member

    I'm doing it myself and I don't know what the hell I am doing! In fact, I plan to do everything myself from now on. Like dental work - hell, I just need my own pliers, right? - I'll cut my own hair, clean my own dry clean onlys, perform my own surgeries -I'll save THOUSANDS!!!
  3. hth316

    hth316 Member

    I have a Wahl hair trimmer, so I haven't paid for a haircut since '92. Cut my own hair (crew cut) every week.

    I just think w/ every haircut saved, that's a green $fee there! ;-)
  4. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Why buy the score when you can get it for free at
    They used to get you a hard inquiry when you pulled your score, and a bunch of people got pretty hot about that from what I hear, but I went over there tonight and jumped through all their hoops and got my score and it's right on the money or pretty darn close to it and it looks to me like there would not be any way you could get a hard inquiry out of it anymore. If it did, you would sure have grounds to raise a stink about it.
  5. doodyhead

    doodyhead Well-Known Member

    so... do you wear a hat often?
  6. hth316

    hth316 Member

    Never wear a hat, I like showing off my do. ; )
  7. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    LOL, I usually throw on a baseball cap when I leave my hairdresser. Can't imagine doing it myself. I'm a spazz with a mirror.
  8. hth316

    hth316 Member

    eloan score, besides no longer pulling hard inquiries, is it similar to creditexpert where it expires in 30 days?

    if so, i think i'll opt out. i forgot all about creditexpert until the very last day that i cancel, asked someone here and they showed me the steps. well, it wound up debiting from my cc anyway, had to call their csr and ask them what gives. they said it takes a few days to post if you cancel on their site.

    no harm done.
  9. hth316

    hth316 Member

    lol @ Jeff, I know what you mean, lol... I have yet to find a barber/hairdresser that trims it just the way I want. I'm pretty good at it now, but there are times I wish I could just set my head in from of me and start cutting.
  10. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    I really don't know the answer to your question. My best guess is that it expires as soon as you leave the site so if you want the record, you most likely need to print it out immediately so you don't lose it.

    Just my guess. Maybe somebody else knows that one, but it looks like it a recent re-design of the system so who knows?
  11. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Eloan score does not provide credit services like "creditexpert" or "prisvista".... Because they are a lendor/broker you can expect an inquiry for every report you pull.... I don't know about now, but Eloan was providing a FICO score based on your Equifax report.....

    Doody: Don't worry, you can do it. You have to read before you jump. Creditnet's Library is where you should start.

    Good luck to all!
  12. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Creditnet has a great library of instructional material, but the Polish National Library used to be a much better source until somebody stole the coloring book

  13. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    BBauer, is it hard to get onto this site? I have been trying all morning and it won't let me access it.
  14. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    I don't know. I first tried it late last night around midnight and I didn't have any trouble at all.

    At first I thought maybe I had found some great new resource, but it didn't take me long to find out that most of the oldtimers around here knew all about it. I sent an e-mail to one of the old timers and he told me all about the problems on the site and the problems that creditnet members had back then.

    I suspected that I hadn't suddenly become a modern day Christopher Columbus and the "old timer" confirmed my suspicions.

    They posted a lot about the resource back several months ago and were not the least bit happy with it because it caused them to get a hard inquiry on their credit reports, and that didn't sit too well with them. So most of them just seemed to forget about it and not talk about it anymore. That's what the "old timer" told me.

    So I probed the site with my search engine and dug up all the links and questions and forms they put you through and saw that it had changed drastically from back then.

    New forms, new questions, some real safeguards to keep those hard inquiries from happening.
    So based on what my search engine told me, I went ahead and tried it. I'll just have to wait and see if they actually did make meaningful changes or if it's still a joke.

    I honestly believe they have fixed the problem. Their scoring seems to be right on target.
    I'm sure others will try it too and tell us what they think about the scoring and how accurate it is and then we will begin to know if it's a good deal or not.

    One thing for sure, if you get a hard inquiry out of it, you would sure have good grounds to complain to e-loan, the better business bureau and more to get it off.
  15. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    So if and when I finally do access it, is there something that directs you to getting your score or do you have to apply for something?
  16. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    No, you don't have to apply for nothing. And you can get as many new scores as you want as often as you want seems to me.

    It's getting so they all are going to have to give scores for free anymore and most of them are gearing up to do just that. They hardly have any choice in the matter because California already passed a law says they got to do it and Congress is working on legislation to make that a nation-wide mandate. That should get up for a vote before long if they ever quit worrying about how fiddle with our rights and freedoms and call us all terrorists.

    Seems like they think everybody is a terrorist. Only real question seems to be how to tell the difference between an external and an internal terrorist.

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