Do LLC Creditors from cleaning out Accounts

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Bren, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. Bren

    Bren Member

    I am talking Compny Accounts not personal.Can Creditor judgement go after the Co, for the personal accounts. I try to do a payment plan but two want deal this is all personal credit.Can the go after the debt cards of Business. If it is a LLc
  2. jayce23

    jayce23 Member

    yes, they can go after your LLC if you used your social security number to set it up. The only way to have them not go after it is to have a business account that you only used a Tax ID number and not your social. The banks will use your social to search for account to satisfy judgments. I am in the same boat. It will be hard to get a bank account with just a tax ID these days unless it is an established business with assets and a track record with complete financials.

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