I received this medical tip from a friend [not a physician] - thought it might help you, too. If you're bothered by occasional or frequent constipation, repeat the following phrase three times in succession when symptoms occur: "My financial and personal well being are totally in the hands of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Tim Geithner, Rahm Emmanual, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Al Gore." If that doesn't scare the poop out of you, then you are probably in need of a doctor!
Yes, but there is also an ominous side to that joke which we should all be taking very seriously and that is the widely predicted end of the world which is supposedly going to happen on December 12, 2012. At least according to the Mayan calendar which is supposedly off by only 38 seconds over thousands of years. Many ancient prophets have also predicted the end of the world coming in the year 2012. All one has to do is perform a google search to see what is being said about that in many places. Many have predicted that the end of the world will come as a result of a giant asteroid hitting the earth so many of our astronomers are busy searching outer space for the big one that could hit the earth and cause it to split apart or be blown to bits or pass so close that it will cause catastrophic climate changes. But it would not take a giant asteroid to do the job. A big gaseous comet could also do it and leave almost no impact crater or at least a very small one, maybe only a few hundred feet wide and very shallow. The resulting explosion from the huge gaseous cloud that accompanied it could be set off causing a far greater explosion than could even be caused by the simultaneous explosion of thousands of high yield nuclear or hydrogen bombs. But so far our scientists have been unable to find anything even remotely threatening out there. Is it more likely that the end of the world that is being predicted to occur in 2012 will be the end of the economic world as we know it? Given the economic situation existant today and the insane spending proposals of Mr. Obummer and his cohorts on Capital Hill, that seems far more likely than any cosmic destruction of the earth. No matter how much money they pour into General Motors, it is doomed. They are obviously preparing for a very well structured bankruptcy. Stopping all production of Pontiac cars is now in progress, shutting down the Pontiac production lines and factories is already scheduled and on track. That will mean a loss of at least 21,000 jobs. Much of Michigan is almost gone, financially speaking. Mortgage foreclosures are turning some towns and small cities into ghost towns with talk of total shutdown of their governmental functions. No more fire, police or other services. Some residents of Flint, Michigan are saying that it is getting somewhat rare to see a police car on the streets anymore whereas previously they were everywhere. Some cities report fire stations being shut down wholesale. In some parts of the country are seeing tent cities springing up with more and more people moving in daily. Google images shows many photos of tent cities and where they are located, mostly in California but also in other parts of the country. In many of those areas people are killing off all wild life for meat. They are killing deer, bear, rabbits, squirrels, whatever they can find to fill their pots with regardless of whether it is hunting season or not. Given the current economic situation it is entirely believable that the world may well come to an end in 2012, economically speaking at least.
Well in California in the central valleys some farmers are getting 0% allocation of water so their not even planting,Obama did that?My thought is Bush would of did the same thing.Hear any comments from him.Only shotgun dick has much to say,here's a man that said after the Gulf war we could reduce our armed forces by 25% and we did now were stretched thin.The blame belongs to the congress the senate and us for electing the good ol boys.The people need to take the country back.by the way i'm not a liberal,I'm a concerned American.I want my freedom from people who pass laws then go out cheat,drink,lie and screw on my dime,and there telling us how to act.Shame on us for putting up with this crap.
I think the economy is getting better at least in my business and my area. Gotta say though that taxes here are really killing us,and many friends have moved to a state where taxes are not so heavy. Real estate taxes and excises taxes every freaking year have you spinning,and paying taxes this year well I got maybe 60 cents on the dollar! Like I said though I think things are getting better . Too bad though so many know how to play the game, get all sorts of benefits and stay under the wire and not have to do much, so they can just hang out and watch tv, while I work and then dole out my money to them! Oh yes, I AM NOT A LIBERAL... Woofer
That seems to be true in a very few isolated areas. About 5 or 6 states are relatively untouched by the depression. Business is good in those few areas, there are relatively few home foreclosures and people in those areas have no concept of what it is like elsewhere. They have a false sense of security but that is unlikely to last much longer. Just as the common man cannot borrow his way out of debt, neither can the government. Government can create money out of thin air but there are severe limits on the extent to which that can be carried. Print more and more money and it becomes worth less and less in terms of what it will buy. There are many people who can easily remember when a family of 4 or 5 could survive on $20 worth of groceries a week and eat pretty good. Energy prices have subsided substantially in recent months but they are on the way back up. That will drive up prices to the point where people will not be able to buy regardless of how much credit they might have or how well they are paid. Of course I have no idea what business you might be in Woofer nor does it matter but let us assume you are in the lumber business. Let us say that today you an buy a sheet of plywood for $10 and sell it at a nice profit, still giving a good retail price of maybe $15. Suddenly, because of skyrocketing fuel prices it now costs $30 to buy the same sheet of plywood you once paid $10 for. How well will your business prosper as inflation drives prices through the roof? Obama has great plans for producing energy, making it cheap and abundant for all but those are only pipe dreams. They are not practical nor workable. Make no mistake about it. Even though you may be in one of the areas that are not in deep trouble now there is no way that you can avoid the depression forever. Not this one because it is a global depression and is almost guaranteed to topple even the Chinese economy which is currently far more robust than ours is. The year 2012 is not a bad estimate of when total global economic collapse will occur.