So I called Honda Finance about my 60 day late pay in December 00.I said "I was late in 12/00, but I truely feel that you shoud reconsider posting this late to my credit reports. In October of 00, my grandfather passed away, leaving my grandmother alone in Florida. She called me and said she wanted to be with her family. I went to Florida to help her pack and sell her home. I had set up all of my CC and car payments to be paid automatically through my bank online. Well apparently I am more computer illiterate than I thought, because I entered the wrong YEAR for these payments to go through, hence the reason why those 2 payments weren't received ontime." I got from the rep... "Ma'am we can only fix credit reports that are wrongly being reported, this is a true late pay and we aren't fixing it." I said is there maybe a supervisor I could speak to? She said no and asked if there was anything else she could help me with. I told her they make at least $100 a month on interest off me (11.99%, 22K car) and you can't do this one simple adjustment. She said no. I thanked her and said it's too bad that Honda just lost another customer if not more when I am done talking to my friends, co-workers, and family. I am 2 months overpaid, and just applied with generations bank. I owe $3500 more than the car is worth. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Doc- thanks anyway for the idea, it was at least worth a shot! KHM
Well, for what it's worth Kellie, it only worked for me with Chase and Citibank when I wrote using a variant of marci's letter (posted in earlier thread). Assuming that your late pay was an isolated event and that your payments were perfect previously and thereafter, I'd give it another try, but use this letter. I like marci's letter because it goes light on the excuses and heavy on the positive regard for the creditor ("a mixture of a grateful 'thank-you' and a pressing request"). Here's the link: Of course, Honda Finance may just be really bad bears. Doc