I can't get it either :0( I called customer service and they said they have no such offer. Offered to give her the url, she said that she cannot surf. Why did I have to get an airhead? Oh well...
I called them and told them I kept getting an error message and the lady said she would reset my account. Also, it gave me another 30 day trial, which I had previously used. So you might want to call them and tell them your account is bringing up all sorts of error messages and that your friend had his account reset and everything works fine now, so could they please reset yours too. Something to that effect should do it.
Re: Doc's BARGAIN: Eq CreditWatch @ I agree with George. Unfortionately, I am one of those who signed up last month, and cannot get the $24.95 deal, but I just signed my mom up for it last night. I've been trying to help my mom with her credit for some time, but she has been reluctant. I think the fact that she's getting unlimited credit reports for a year for the small price of $24.95 is what finally made her give in. If the price had remained 70 bucks she would never had signed up. So let's just count our losses and not make too much noise so that future new-comers can enjoy the benefit. scott
Re: Doc's BARGAIN: Eq CreditWatch @ IT'S TOO LATE...THEY PULLED THE PLUG!!! Some of the links I get ERROR messages...the others are ALL $69.95!!! FUN WHILE IT LASTED~~~ONE WHOLE DAY???
Re: Doc's BARGAIN: Eq CreditWatch @ yep, I'm afraid you might be right. I just tried the link......it says $69.95 now. LB :-(
George, they will refund your money. They did it for me with 3 left out of 4 on Score Power. That credit will pay for your $25 Credit Watch subscription. That ain't a bad deal!