I was a great weekend for disputing! So sad to see the page go bye-bye. I got 7 out of 8 hard inquiries still in dispute, non deleted yet. (3 are over a year old). I have a bunch of soft inquiries disputed and only the ones over a year old were deleted (about 8). Thanks again Doc for the bookmark!!
It truely was a fun weekend! Thanks Doc. It's s shame that it is over. 1 hard inquiry gone (hardly a dent) several soft all gone! Let the games continue. I have nothing but time!!!! Game on!!!!! Gilliner
Me too!! I just checked and they deleted a whole bunch of soft inquiries. None of my hard inquiries were deleted. :-( I want to get rid of all them.
All of my inq. (hard and soft) are still disputed. But I did receive a 8 point jump on CE. My wife's CE score did not change and her inq. are still being investigated. Best regards, Mirage
Ok I DON"T GET IT. I must be the stupidest person on this board, but I don't understand. I did use the web page "experian.com/consumer" and logged in and found "recent requests" There is a list of 7 inquiries and thats it, no where does it say to dispute. I'll just wait on that page if someone would please direct me further. I don't have any obvious computer skills
oh nevermind I see it doesn't work anymore anyway. I was trying all different things but it kept syaing somehting about the server not letting me go to that page. Oh well I only have 7 inquiries anyway.
Must have been one of the last people to get this trick too work very late Sunday. Thanks "Credit Doc" The interenet is the next best thing to House calls : )