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Doc's Trickâ?¢

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PsychDoc, Apr 26, 2002.

  1. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    I disputed 8 out of 10 hards, and a ton of softs on my report. I disputed a few softs and 3 out of 5 hards on my husbands. Can't wait to see what happens!!
  2. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    How long before people saw any deletions on their reports?? I noticed that some softs came off for people within hours, but that can't be the norm. I keep checking mine, of course it hasn't even been 24 hours yet. I'd love to see a few hards come off. I disputed the softs too, but don't really care about those. I didn't dispute any hards or softs that correspond w/ any of my current accounts though!!
  3. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Thanks again Doc!

    One hard removed already. It was very old, almost 2 years.
  4. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    9 softs removed already, only been 2 days.
    looking for some hards to disappear now.

    thanks doc

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    2 "SOFT" GONE...everything else PENDING...
  6. Mecro

    Mecro Well-Known Member

  7. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    I have used both credit expert, and experian.com to do it--for myself and my hubby. Either one work!
  8. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone else realize this thread has almost 20,000 views!!!
  9. Platinum

    Platinum Well-Known Member

    To dispute hard inq. go to:


    To dispute soft inq. go to:


    Make sure you have two windows opened and you are logged in twice into your report and you are on the page which shows your inquiry. And don't forget to change last number from 0 to 1 to 2 to 3 etc... It depends how many inquiry you have and want to dispute. I hope this helps.
  10. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member


    THANKS..I had one hard Inquiry and it is now in dispute.

  11. jjulez

    jjulez Well-Known Member

    New at this...is there a confirmation of some sort to validate that this 'TRICK' was accepted?All I get was that 'ERROR CODE...'
  12. Mecro

    Mecro Well-Known Member

    Thanks it all worked.


    Now is there a way to dispute the other two CRAs?
  13. Platinum

    Platinum Well-Known Member

    Same way ???


    Just on the phone if they want to take your dispute...or write them letter...but there is no guarantee...
  14. MEinSoCal

    MEinSoCal Well-Known Member

    I'm trying this for the first time on all 12 of my hard inquiries. We'll see what kind of results I get...

    Thanks Doc!

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    I noticed that too. AMAZING, ISN'T IT! :eek:)
  16. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  18. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    Thanks george. I was signed in and could get to my first inquiry which is the 0. But when I changed it to get to the others I didn't work.
  19. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Don't make this so hard. Go back to Doc's original post (in this thread) and do EXACTLY what he said to do. Open up a second brwoser that is logged in to CE, then just click on the links he's already provided. He couldn't have made it any simpler. I just used it the other day and it worked just fine.
  20. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Bailey, I can't remember exactly, but I had the same problem last week when I tried. It goes something like this... After you change the number at the end of the url string and hit enter, it should give you a screen requesting what the reason is, etc. After hitting submit (or whatever the button was) you should get another screen. There are two ways to go from this screen, one will give you the error you talked about, the other will show you a page showing your disputed inquiries. After I see the latter page I copy and past the url in the address box and change the number for the next one.

    Also, there was a thread earlier that warned against disputing inquiries that gave you accounts as it put some of those accounts into fraud status and closed them, so be careful what you dispute!

    Hope that helps. Rereading it makes it look clear as mud...but without re-doing it I can't give you much more. Good luck!

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