whyspers, I think it lasted maybe a day or 2. Too bad. I disputed my hard one, and I am still waiting on the results. Charlie
Whyspers, I'm still getting email asking this very question, lol. Maybe this thread will help put that to bed finally. The answer is no... unfortunately, Experian finally removed the dispute-inquiry pages. Just for fun, here's an email I received yesterday: This message was sent by [name_deleted], a member of the Creditnet Straight Talk community. ___________________________________________________ FROM | xxxxxxxxx mailto:xxxxxxxxx@aol.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hi Doc, I saw some of your postings and everyone seems to be referring to a program or something. Do you have a web site for these "Doc"s Tricks" Or a book. I think someone said its $79.00 I would be interested. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - My answer: Sorry, the only "trick" was that I happened to have bookmarked a page where you used to be able to dispute inquiries with Experian. They left the page up for a few weeks after they removed the main link to it, so I posted that as "Doc's Trick." There really was no trick in reality. (Sorry to disappoint you.) In any case, Experian removed the pages soon after they were posted to Creditnet. As for $79, that has nothing to do with me. I think that's what Experian charges for their CreditExpert.com service, though. I've not written any book. Sorry again. Doc LOL! Doc
The page names have been changed, however you can still dispute because they re-activated the link. I have since used it.
It's not that simple anymore. It seems they're using session variables now. You have to log in to view your report; once you see the entry detail, click on request an investigation, and the frame will appear on the right.
Sorry Rina...can you break it down for us? For instance...here's a link to an inquiry that Cap1 pulled on me (you won't actually see it, just the link). Based on its format, how do I determine the session variable and how do I format it to activate the investigation page? https://www.experian.com/consumer/cac/15_CreditHistoryDetailViewedByOthers.jsp?itemId=0
Session variables are used to prevent unauthorized access. (I think they added additional ones since Doc's Tricks original post) Once you log in your browser forwards info to their server via session variables, which then can be used to set certain permissions. So even if I gave you a page name, it'll return a system error because it'll look up the info in the variables before returning info to your browser. Do you have at least the free trial?
Yes. I have paid subscription to Credit Expert (vs. free trial). Pardon my lack of "hacking" know-how, but where do I find session variables. Is there a way to decode them. From your message, it seems I need to find my particular session code and then plug&chug into a format. Correct?
Ok...so I'm doing a quick (& desperate) search for "session variables" and came up with the following sites... Bottom line...it's gibberish and nothing tells me how/where to find them on the Experian pages... http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.php http://www.blazonry.com/scripting/sessions.php http://www.aspfaqs.com/aspfaqs/ShowCategory.asp?CatID=6 (maybe this one, but can someone "decipher" it in layman's terms?)
You won't "find" them on the site. It's not like a regular HTML page where you can right click & click on "View Source" to see how the page is coded. That's the whole point of an active server page (ASP). It hides that info from the user. The program resides on their server, and only the results of its actions via session variables, etc. appear on your browser. Since you've paid for this, call their tech support line & complain. They'll probably walk you through useless steps first. You could do the following to rule out it's your computer messing up: clear your cache (temporary internet files), your cookies, your recycle bin, disk space. That way when you call they can get right down to helping you or transferring you to someone who can.
I'm confused. Why would you complain to tech support that you are having trouble doing Doc Trick which was a work around to the fact that they removed the request investigation link for inquiries? What do you say? Help me access the pages for which you removed the links so that I couldn't access them?
May I ask how you found your session variables and made that "Request Investigation" link to appear on your screen? Are you saying that clearing my cache/cookies will make this "trick" work or just a starting point before I call their tech support? I'm sort of confused on this part. Thanks. P.S. - Here's a link to an explanation of session variables... http://www.aspfaqs.com/aspfaqs/ShowFAQ.asp?FAQID=30
the other - that's not what i'm suggesting. I have the service and have no problem using the investigation link. I was just trying to explain that doc's trick doesn't work anymore bc they've added features that prevent people for accessing obsolete pages. As to my suggestion for tech support. Usually the 1st person you talk to is a level 1 person who may not know much, and will try to walk you through some useless details that may not get you anywhere (like restarting your computer).
My apologies...I'm just confused. So Rina...when you access the Inquiries page and click on an specific inquiry, you can ACTUALLY see the investigation link? Is that what you're saying? Then you mention "doc's trick doesn't work anymore"...This is where I get further confused. When I click on a specific inquiry, there is literally a space between "DETAILS" and "RETURN TO SUMMARY". This link is gone. Forget about it....I won't ask anymore about this alleged trick...
Rina, I think you may be confused. (Or maybe it's me, lol.) It's no longer possible to dispute any inquiry because the pages have been removed. On the other hand, it *is* possible to dispute other items (negative tradelines, positive tradelines, personal info, etc.). Try it yourself, and tell me how it goes. Log onto CreditExpert, then view your inquiries, and then try to dispute one. (Then report back regarding your experience!) Keep us posted, Doc