you missed the boat my friend. It was a fun ride removing exp inq hard & soft. The doc rules!!!!
Well, I'll be damned. Doc's Trickâ?¢ works again. I just checked myself. Round Two. Thanks, Spacecat!!!!! Doc
LKH, I just did it and it works. Spacecat, did your inquires all come off? I do not really see a CA or CC answering these.\ DOC BIG UPS to you for this amazing persciption.
Actually, LKH's Trickâ?¢ for Equifax inquiries is prescribed in several threads... It requires a CreditWatch subscription, daily report-pulling, observation, and patience. Doc
Did anyone who used Doc's Trick see an increase in their score as it was being investigated and did anyone get a CA or OC to respond. I am just trying to see what kind of success rate people have gotten. Thanks again to you Doc