Does BK FULLY wipe the slate?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bosco, Jan 14, 2006.

  1. bosco

    bosco Active Member

    I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the specific effects of Chapter 7 BK on one's CR.

    I'm clear the everything that's indicated IIB will have a zero balance.

    What I'm not clear on is the following:

    1. Does the entire pmt history disappear when the tradline is marked IIB?

    2. For a paid in full, closed account that was closed six months ago: if I were to file and receive a discharge, those accounts that are completely unaffected by the BK (since they're closed prior) would remain as-is, right? Or, are all TLs wiped unless I reaffirm during the BK process?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. knielsen74

    knielsen74 Well-Known Member

    As far as I remember, only accounts that are IIB are cleaned from credit report. And if they aren't, they should be disputed.

    PIF CO's are left there.
  3. bosco

    bosco Active Member

    That's what I was guessing. So this poses an interesting hypothesis for anyone who has a number of paid in full TLs with past blemishes and is considering a BK because of other TLs with balances.

    My thought is this: it appears that it would be better to aggressively pursue settlements for deletion since, after BK, I would still be left with a handful of recently-closed accounts and no means of leverage since they were paid in full. (BTW they were simply installment accounts, no COs, but plenty of lates on them nonetheless)


    Does the BK have a wider-reaching impact on everything that occurred in the CR prior to the discharge date in such a way that it could be favorable against those old TLs?

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