Does Cap1 have a black list?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mother2, Nov 6, 2001.

  1. mother2

    mother2 Well-Known Member

    Has anyone ever filed BK and/or had a charge-off with them and NOW carries a CAP 1 card?

    I was just wondering. I see and hear many good things about cap 1 and Mr. Cooke. Sounds like their customer service and credit services are waaaayyy better than Providian. I wish I could get a card from them and transfer my balances to their product.
  2. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    i currently have a charge off with them on all 3 reports, from 1998. in june 2001 they sent a pre approved for 800.00 visa. i sent it in and got it. go figure. i just tried to get the k-mart mastercard and they said no. mr. cooke called and he still said no. oh well. btw the visa they gave me is 9.9% pretty good for my credit. kelly
  3. mother2

    mother2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info. I guess I'll wait until I receive a pre-approval offer in the mail.

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