Does original balance hurt my credit score?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by imessedup, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. imessedup

    imessedup Member

    i have a credit listing on my credit report. its from asset acceptance. They were really harassing me, so i paid them off to get them off my back. i paid them $2500, when they billed me for $7k+. we settled at 2500 in return for paid in full status and closure of my account with them. on my credit report
    the original balance says $4492. shouldnt it say 2500 since thats what we settled for?

    can i dispute this? also would having $4492 do anymore to my credit score than the 2500? or would either score effect my credit score the same way?
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    The amount won't make a difference in regards to your credit score. And even though you settled for $2,500, I believe they do have the right to report what the true original balance was anyway.

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