Does This Fall Under SOL in PA

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Philly215, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. Philly215

    Philly215 Member

    I am not sure if I really undersatand SOL in reference to collecting a debt. When the state list the time frame for accounts that would fall under the SOL, in that the state the the OC/CA resides or the state that me the consumer resides. Here is why; I have an old repossession on my credit report for a car that I had a while ago. This is how it is reported on my report.

    Honda Finance SVC
    Opened: 05/96
    High Limit: $17770
    Payment: N/A
    Closed: I9
    3 times 90+ days past due
    Months Reviewd: 25
    Closed By Consumer
    Charge Off: $5171 which they claim includes intrest
    Hist: 91111888111111111111111

    Help if possible

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