Does this sound like a good idea?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by misterman, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. misterman

    misterman Active Member

    I am a realtor out in the washington area. I own two homes, two cars and some other assets, I also have a credit card.

    I have been working a project that was supposed to start closing months ago but looks like won't close for another couple of months. I am already behind on a few payments and will be in the future.

    My question is, should I write a letter explaining my situation to my creditors/mortgagors and ask them to bear with me and provide them proof of my rather large earnings which I won't get for a couple of months? Or do I just avoid phone calls and hope for the best. The reason I ask is I'll probably go about trying to remove the lates later but don't know if supplying this letter will void that effort. Also, will they call the loans due if I admit I can't pay right now.

    Thanks in advance for any input...

  2. ArmondoNLA

    ArmondoNLA Well-Known Member

    I can't answer your question legally, but I do know that some letters can come back and bite ya in da butt (been there done that..haha). Especially if 1 letter says it's yours, and you later say it's not.
    Amazingly, some copanies keep good records....ahahaha.

    Is there a lawyer ya can talk to, and see what he says? He might can tell ya what to do, say, etc....

    I'd hate to see all that hard work go for nothing, when there was probably something ya coulda done by talking to him.

    I worked at a mortgage company (wow they sucked), and sadly, during the closing cycle, da minute they smelled financial trouble, they tried to dig and find out. There were alotta people that got loans postponed, or canceled, for the simplest things :(

    I wish ya luck, and I do hope ya get this straightened out!

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