Thank you all for the wealth of information, suggestions and advise. I am just starting my quest and feel I like this journey will be hard but, do-able. I would like to know if anyone has had success with Wells Fargo - mortgage, revising lates through a goodwill letter. If so, please provide me with any and all input. I need contacts @ Wells Fargo...address, #'s and/or names. Thanks again, Lovely
Good luck. I tried several times to get them to goodwill 1 lousy 30 day late off my car loan and they ignored me everytime.
Did they respond with a "NO" or just a did not follow-up with you. Who did you contact and how did you send the letter...cccr or fax...etc.? Could you give me details?? Thanks, for you input.
I just mailed 3 or 4 letters to the branch I had my loan with. They never responded to any of my requests so I have given up for now.
I tried this for my wife last year and initially got the brush off - I then got a name of some at WF Home Mortgage from my branch and sent a more impassioned letter, which was sucessful. If you want to send me your e-mail address I will gladly send you a copy of this to try!
Re: Re: Does Wells Fargo extend "Goodwill" I would like that ... However, I cant send you an email???? But, feel free to forward that info to me. I would really appreciate that very much.
Re: Re: Does Wells Fargo extend "Goodwill" I would like that ... However, I cant send you an email???? I could not retrieve it from your user profile. But, feel free to forward that info to me. I would really appreciate that very much.