Doing the HAPPY dance!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Shanyl, Jul 27, 2004.

  1. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    People here helped me so much that this celebration belongs to you as much as me! I'm so happy!

    First round of TU disputes:

    Started with 20 accounts totaling over $10,500!

    I have 8 left with only a little over $500. Never have I felt so good about "loosing" $10K!

    So THANK YOU everyone!
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Great not bad for a beginer Nat bad at all.

    Please post this on the testimony thread too.
  3. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    Thanks LB! I'd take your suggestion and post over there too. I have EQ and EXP due in these next two days so I'll do all at once.

    I'm SOOOOOOOO hyped!
  4. atttaboy

    atttaboy Member

    Congrats -

    How many of the 20 did you dispute at one time and how many were deleted?
  5. DukeaK

    DukeaK Well-Known Member

    Congratulations, Im a beginner here, and I like seeing others making progress, it gives me hope ...Keep up the great work
  6. soup

    soup Well-Known Member


    I know how you feel...I started w/ 5-6 collections and an authorized user c/o....and NO positives and my score was a whopping 385!!! TU The others were a whoppin 450 or so...LOL I got upto 701 Fico and have settled into the mid-high 600's...but FIGHTING my way back up!!!!
  7. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    Thank you attaboy, dukeaK and soup! It feels terrific!

    attaboy, I'll have to check and post later tonight (hour or so) and let you know.

    Tomorrow and the day after are D day (DROP OFF due to lack of verification) for the other two!
  8. mommyof3

    mommyof3 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations, Shanyl!!!!!

    I'm so happy for you!
  9. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    Soup, did you go straight from the 385/450 to 701?
  10. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    Thank you mommyof3!

    Of the 20, I disputed 19. All but 4 were deleted and of those 4, I know that I can get 3 of them off (with their violations as leverage through my attorney). I did NOT use an attorney for this part of the process... but now that I need some strong arming, it's his turn. <grin>
  11. CRDTNogood

    CRDTNogood Well-Known Member

    Keep in mind that of those that fell off, because of the 30 day window, a CA and send info over to the CRA. Or provide you with Validation and send over. Make sure they abide by the 5 business day rule though.

    Congrats, I'm very very jealous, but know my day will come.

    Congrats again...
  12. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    Thanks CRDTNogood. I must say that during this endeavor, I have many more gray hairs. <g> You'll get there, just watch the hair! lol

    As to the issue of them reinserting these into the CR, I'll hang them from the tallest tree. MOST of those that went away were pre-bk. Now, reinserting would constitute collected on a discharged debt.

    There are a few that I was surprised that went away, and for those I'm REALLY thanking God!

    Thanks again!
  13. CRDTNogood

    CRDTNogood Well-Known Member

    I know what you mean about the gray hair. Thats why I shave my head...

    I recently asked for post repo docs from an auto loan that got repod because they didn't do it right, and oh, three days after they signed for letter requesting documents, EX has a new collection account from some new CA for $11,500.00 WAY more than the OC for auto loan. HMMMM, I wonder who put that there?????

    My attorney has taken the handle on that one, and helped me write a not so in your face DV, but rather, a "duh, I don't know what this is about" one. He's had success suing the crap out of this CA before, and he used the phrase, "CHA-CHING" for both of us... Hoping and praying here.

    Kinda chicken S#*$& of them to arbitrailily send it to a CA because I wanted post repo docs. I'm the bad guy.

    Congrats again...
  14. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    LOL I'd look kinda funny but it sure looks good on my DH!
    That just stinks! You know, it would be kinda funny.... you know the area that they "let" us post a 100 word statement? Can you see placing there, "DO IT RIGHT, DO IT LEGAL BECAUSE I WILL SUE YOUR _____" or "IF YOUR ACTION ISN'T 100% ACCURATE AND LEGAL, YOU WILL BE THE NEXT NOTCH ON MY BELT!"


    On another note, you bring up a good point. I am finding that it's not always in my best interest to know and quote the regs to them. Why help them out when I can use their violations against them as leverage?
  15. CRDTNogood

    CRDTNogood Well-Known Member

    Counsel discussed several cases he recently won, and said each time that the letters were admitted, it really painted a picture to the mediator or settlement judge, that this "ie ME" is a really concerned consumer, knows he has rights, and hired an attorney to excercise them. Oh, and thanks CA or OC for paying for my attorney too.

    He said it has Jury appeal and that a juror, could rationalize my letters and potentially see themselves getting screwed too. He said it never helped his clients to give the CA or OC crap. It only hurt them on cross examination. I know people with argue with his philosophy, but so far I'm happy with what he's done for me. No retainer, no contingency. He just wants his fees paid by them. He's limited the terms of settlement, meaning we don't settle for more than his fees, 1K to me and a clean record.

    Good luck, and keep me posted. I've been reading your threads... Similar to some degrees as mine.
  16. atttaboy

    atttaboy Member

    So,..., if I have about 6-8 positives on each report and 4-8 negatives on each, I can dispute all of the negatives from all 3 without it appearing "frivolous?" I'm afraid that they'll send the letters back laughing...

    All of my unpaid COs are past the 4 yr GA SOL, and are for relatively small amounts:

    Diner's Club - ~$1,800
    Crap1 - ~$900
    Providian - ~$500 - CO and moved to Crap1
    Crap1 through Providian - ~$900

    Collection - BellSouth/NCO - ~$250
    Some Dentist's attorney - ~$60.

    Strangely enough, I have a current Crap1 for a year - all on-time payments, a HH CC for 1.5 years - all on-time payments, Chevron CC for 1 yr - all on-time payments and an auto-loan from HH for 2 yrs, all on-time payments.

    What do you think my chances are on disputing all of these simultaneously, or should I dispute 3 and then wait and dispute the rest??

  17. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    In my reading, I've determined that they deem stuff as "frivolous" when you do something like dispute everything on your CR - including the positives (which some "cough cough" credit repair companies do).

    The law says they have to be 100% accurate to be on there. You're saying, these do not meet the regulation requirements... they are wrong.

    Don't tell them why, that's their job.

    In answer to your question let me say this. If I had this to do over from the beginning, I might do it this way instead.

    I would first send all of my letters to those OC/CAs that are on TU and EQ and greencard them. I would set up on USPS tracking to email me upon receipt of those greencards and immediately hit TU and EQ.

    Jam did a great explanation of this in that the OC/CAs don't have to reply in the 30 days, but they do have to reply to you first in order to verify with the investigation that you'll be starting with the CRAs.

    Because the CRAs only have 30 days where as the CA/OC doens't, this can help in your process. My reasoning on my method was that I would then just have to deal with the items left after my initial dispute with the CRAs. I also didn't know that it wasn't wise to start EXP until I'd completed the other 2 CRAs as they tend to mark you as frivolous more readily.

    I will say this, what ever EXP doesn't do right... well all of them for that matter, I'm not waiting the 90 days. I have a legal right to have my credit record correct and I will pursue it until it is.

    Dispute all of your negatives .... I had stuff that came off that I was SURE would remain and a few that I knew without a doubt would fall into a deep crevasse wake up and try to roar.
  18. atttaboy

    atttaboy Member

    Shanyl -

    OK - sounds good. I was thinking that since these were old - if I sent disputes to the CRAs and not to the OCs, I might get by with that (not re-awakening the OCs)...thoughts?

    Also, what did your dispute letter look like - I've seen several examples, but if yours had great success, I might try emulating...

  19. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Doing the HAPPY dance!!!!

    You're right, many of mine were old also. Most were scheduled to come off in 6 to 12 months. I also got 2 judgments removed, 2 bks that were dismissed voluntarily and some inquiries removed. Because I was doing so many, I did a letter for the inquiries, a letter for the public records and then one disputing the accounts. I sent them all together, but on seperate sheets - afterall, we know how confused they might get.

    My letter was:

    I then listed in 3 columns, the name & account number as they were reporting it and then in the 3rd column, my reason for dispute. (ie not mine, obsolete) Never did I mention BK or specifics like wrong balance, wrong status. I figured that if it has any info reporting inaccurately, it's not mine.

    Then I wrote this:
    Many of the suggested letters have "and supply a corrected credit profile to all creditors who have received a copy within the last 6 months." I didn't want that because I don't want the OC/CA to know I have a corrected CR. I may not even want some of the inquiries to know. But if I do, I'll control that information.

    And that's it. Oh, one other suggestion. I've sent out SO many letters that the only sane way I could keep any sense of organization to this is to name each of my letters by the CRRR number that I sent them out with. I also placed this same number in my footer/header. I went to the PO and just picked up a whole bunch to be prepared.
  20. atttaboy

    atttaboy Member

    Re: Re: Doing the HAPPY dance!!!!

    Wow - that was "forceful." I was thinking of taking the exact opposite tact:

    Hi, I'm writing because I heard on a TV show that everyone should check their CRs because mistakes can happen.

    So, I pulled them, and actually yours is more accurate than the other 2, however, here is a list of inaccuracies on my report:

    These items are simply not mine, so please delete them.


    Didn't know if this would come across as a typical consumer and not be put in the "you're trying to fix your credit" pile...

    And - you got your CMRRs prior to typing the letters so that you could cross-reference them, hmmm, never thought of that...


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