Done Chasing the Corporate life..lost my rear.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by NumbSkull, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. NumbSkull

    NumbSkull Well-Known Member

    It's been a rough few years. Forced relocation, no expenses covered, left house leased to "military guy", stiffed us..a mortgage at home and Miami rent for the family got the best of us.

    Need to start over. I have 12 NTL. You name it, its there. Fall out happened around 2008-09

    Question: Are these Online reports accurate and is it still inadvisable to contact CRA online even for Address corrections.

    Living at new location for 2 years now, same town..none of the OC's or CA's have contacted me at new address. Would like to start clean up process....How to deal with the sleeping dogs...
  2. mindcrime

    mindcrime Well-Known Member

    What state were you living in when this all began, Florida? Are you still there? SOL in that state depending on the type of account is 4 or 5 years. Either way, if the debts were incurred there and you're still in FL, you're past the SOL and "waking the sleeping dogs" is less of an issue.

    As far as online reports go, it depends on who you ask. What we can all agree on is (I hope) at least where you get your actual reports. Stay away from tri-merged reports, or third party sites. allows you one free credit report from each bureau every 12 months. You can also subscribe to a CMS from one of the bureaus to keep tabs on things as well.

    Disputing….if it's basic stuff like old addresses, do it online. It's fast and simple, there is no need for you to mail these types of disputes. For disputing negative accounts (including going through the entire debt validation process), it's best to do it by certified mail.

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