don't give a flying ......

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sweet21510, Jan 27, 2002.

  1. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    I am wondering what the worst experience with collection agency liars anyone has had here. I made a payment by phone (big mistake 1) the guy told me, oh your account is just on hold...they sent it to National..I stopped payment and they have been phoning constantly. I saw that they are being sued in NY for Fdcp violations....anyways what is the most outrageous thing that has been done to anyone here?

    At some point I might try to fix my credit, but am pursuing bankruptcy..can that be fixed?
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Takes a couple of years to get back on your feet, but it's better than most of the alternatives.
  3. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    the most weird thing that happened to me was i had a 1000.00 loan with norwest financial, i was behind 3 payments and the manager drove to my house 5 or 6 times i only opened the door once, he introduced himself asked for my payment, i said i didn't have it and he left. well he kept driving by and finally after a couple of weeks of this he finally left a note on my door which said your loan is secured by your personal property which we intend to collect. i was so freaked by this person i called norwest corp and they must have talked to him because he just dissapeared. soon after my loan was bought by well's fargo. this was 1998 and i still have the note.
  4. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    Sounds like Brazilian tactics!

    I read some collection agencies there even have actors who dress up as cops and personally go to people's homes to demand money!
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Personally, I like the one where they killed the lady's pet.
  6. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    Befre I knew anything about fighting these people, I cosigned a note. The person stopped making payments. The bank never notified me, saying it was against their policy to notify the cosigner of a default. I found out myself, no one ever called me.

    It was turned over to a collection agency. I called to straighten it out. The collector had the account less than one week (it had only been in default for four months). He convinced me that the attorney was standing there ready to file the lawsuit at the courthouse and the only way I could prevent it was to pay the $5000 loan and over $2000 in "attorney fees". I paid. I now realize I probably could have saved myself the $2000 in "attorney fees". After reading this board for almost a year, I have yet to see anyone who has paid this much in costs for a bad debt.

    In additon, I got a verbal promise that nothing would be put on my credit report (up to that point, nothing had). Within a week, the creditor had reported the default on the loan and the CA had reported an UNPAID collection. They finally removed it, but it took months.
  7. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

  8. bobcat2414

    bobcat2414 Active Member

    Kell are you in GA? I had a very similar thing happen to me with a Norwest loan!!! They are complete idiots
  9. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    no i am in arizona, the norwest office is about a mile away.
  10. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Lordy, Karen, that is a bad story. I think we've all learned here how we could have approached so many situations a lot better. Don't forget -- it's not how much you lost before you got here... rather, it's how much you've saved since you arrived.

    Psych "Glass Is Half Full" Doc

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