I betcha someone somewhere is sitting at home thinking: 'This guy must be good if he is that expensive, and wow, he's having a special on his regular high price'. Seriously though, I wonder if any real people have used him. LOL........
I believe Lizardking bought at least one of his books at the time they were sold for ~$149 each, and for a one-time thing - I don't see it as a bad deal. When I'm done writing my book, it will sell for $500/piece Saar
The link takes me to http://www.nobk.com/ instead. Like another website has taken over that one or something. Has this happened to anyone else?
Thanks George. I wanted to get the name of the books and the author so I can look on ebay/amazon/half.com for the material but if I am looking at a illegal piggyback website or something, I don't want to mess with it. I like the idea of what I read. I am assuming that the material being offered on the 2nd website is similar to that of the primary website. If so, then there may be some strategies in there that can help me get rid of some stubborn items.
Giggle, It's called a redirection script. Log into one site and get immediately transfered. Sure, happens all the time. The price is still the same.
I was worried for a minute. Thanks Butch. Of course, this is so weird. I just typed it into Ie and now I am not directed. I was before and now 15-20 minutes later, I am not and the page I am looking at now is not the same page that I was redirected from to another. Confused I am!! lol
There is someone on another board peddling a similar (or the same) program - maybe he went MLM, hahahaha!!!!
Actually, the proprietor of DUEPROCESS.ORG -- John Gliha -- has discontinued selling his books and installed the redirection script to the new site NOBK.COM where thousands of dollars are charged for his services. For whatever reason, John is shielding himself from direct ownership of the new site, however it is John's services that are being marketed there. This has been discussed by John on his Yahoo listserv. Incidentally, if you "go back" in the browser to John's old site after the redirect and then click on some of the links on that old page, you'll see that those links are mostly inactive now. Doc
I agree Lizardking. I have been on his board for over a year, and most of his credit stuff is informative. The Cayman offshore and the file segregation has pretty much kept me away. John closed his board for a couple of days, because he thought that people were getting off based in their discussions. My opinion. It is definitely a "take it for what's worth" credit education site. Charlie